
Intheleftsidebar,clickHistory.·Right-clickonthemostrecentcommitandselectAmendcommit.·IntheAmendWillRequireForcePushdialogwindow,click ...,Rewritingthemostrecentcommitmessage.Youcanchangethemostrecentcommitmessageusingthegitcommit--amendcommand.InGit,thetextofthecommit ...,Tomodifyacommitthatisfartherbackinyourhistory,youmustmovetomorecomplextools.Gitdoesn'thaveamodify-historytool,butyoucanuset...

Amending a commit in GitHub Desktop

In the left sidebar, click History. · Right-click on the most recent commit and select Amend commit. · In the Amend Will Require Force Push dialog window, click ...

Changing a commit message

Rewriting the most recent commit message. You can change the most recent commit message using the git commit --amend command. In Git, the text of the commit ...

7.6 Git Tools

To modify a commit that is farther back in your history, you must move to more complex tools. Git doesn't have a modify-history tool, but you can use the rebase ...

【狀況題】修改Commit 紀錄- 為你自己學Git

最白話、最深入淺出的Git 教學,教您使用Git 指令及圖形介面工具,建立正確的使用觀念,並使用GitHub 與其它人一起共同協作.

How to modify existing, unpushed commit messages?

2008年10月7日 — If you don't want to rewrite the entire commit message, go for git commit --amend -c HEAD . This will open the editor pre-populated with your ...


2009年7月27日 — Find the commit you want, change pick to e ( edit ), and save and close the file. Git will rewind to that commit, allowing you to either:.

Git commit -

The git commit --amend command is a convenient way to modify the most recent commit. It lets you combine staged changes with the previous commit instead of ...

Modify a Specified Commit in Git

2024年2月6日 — We can modify the latest Git commit by simply using the amend option. It replaces the most recent commit. We can modify the commit message ...

How to Edit Commit Messages with Git Amend

2023年6月9日 — How to Edit Git Commit Messages · Step 1: Identify the commit to be amended. · Step 2: Edit the commit message. · Step 3: Save the changes.